The Medical Startup inspires people through stories about medical entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation globally. Created in 2015, we love inspiring through content at the intersections of medical innovation, social impact and creativity, as seen through the eyes of Louise Teo, an Australian medical doctor.
We also celebrate the journeys of people who venture outside of healthcare work to pursue fulfilling multifaceted careers. Uniting STEMM industries with their creative, problem-solving roots helps people feel fulfilled at work and life, and realise their full potential, no matter their talents and backgrounds.
The Medical Startup has advised and consulted startups, hospitals, corporates and innovation portfolios internationally, and created organic content for an engaged worldwide audience. We deeply care about purposeful impact in healthcare through storytelling, advocacy, and quality care. Perhaps entrepreneurship is a tool for the wellbeing of healthcare workers. Or maybe you’re inspired to create change through design and startup thinking, but don’t know where or how to start.
This site believes you can do it.
Thanks for your support!
Learn about The Medical Startup’s services including advisory, consulting and coaching here.
If you’d like to connect, reach out here.
As featured at:
AMA Queensland (Brand Ambassador)
The Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine
HISA’s Australian Telehealth Conference and HIC; and UX Community of Practice Committee
The Medical Collaborative: a free resource for medical students and doctors alike, via podcast and blog an online accelerator and training program for aspiring and early-stage innovators
On The Wards: A FOAMed resource with curated articles and educational podcasts
The Newcomer Blog: sharing the stories of Australian immigrants and refugees
Terms & Disclaimer
All content including words and images are owned by The Medical Startup unless stated otherwise and should not be reproduced elsewhere without permission.
Information on this website and blog is of a general nature. Information given on this website does not constitute medical advice, and should not be treated as advice in lieu of individual specialised medical attention. Information on this website should also not delay you from seeking appropriate medical support with your qualified medical practitioner.
The businesses, products and events on this site are featured for information purposes only and do not constitute endorsement or medical advice. Products, job listings, event coverage or other items or activities which have been provided with support will be stated as such, and we are not responsible for any content on third party sites, including from links to third party sites provided for by our partners. From time to time, we may provide affiliate links to products that we genuinely admire and use, which helps support this site.